Thursday, December 18, 2008


I'm back home.

And I should really get working on my art, before I don't have this precious free time again.

from the top: Stella Stargazer (on sticker paper); my Christmas present for my boyfriend; my super late birthday present for my best friend; the portraits of my characters from the "From the Eye of Hubble" series, and lastly, more of the characters from said series which I am working on the lineart for done on MCAD stationary

Oh, and I'm starting work again next week. I'm excited, money! But, it's... Christmas week. D:

Hams flying all over the scanners, why so much ham?

Why is ham the Christmas meat?
I love turkey, and ham, ... well usually the parentals grab like, honey baked ham, and don't get me wrong, honey baked ham is fine. I just prefer my meat to be... meaty. Not with a hint of sweet.

I realized, I want some Cheez-Its! And Flavor Blasted Goldfish! GRRR.
I am having salty snack withdrawal syndrome. 
It's been so long since I've had either in my mouth...  why do I set myself up like that?

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Oh Your Goodness

So, it's two weeks (or less) until I am off for winter break.

I'm excited, but for now, I'm still swamped with work, but when that's done with, well, I get to go on a long break. (Over a month now! Wowzers!)

Hrm, I plan to:
1. Work my butt off in order to 
2. Get money, which will allow me to
3. Survive college, which will allow me to
4. Be less stressed, and therefore, put me
5. In a better state of mind to do work, and draw, but ultimately
6. I want to to draw and work on my personal art over the break, which will
7. Make me happy, and I like being happy.

That was the weirdest execution of numbering I have ever used.